柏林圍牆 | Berlin Wall



大概8、9年前吧,第一次到德國出差那一定要去看一下柏林圍牆啊!於是我跟著旅遊書上的指引,來到了鼎鼎大名的查理檢查哨 ( Checkpoint Charlie ) 在這邊你可以看到很多人都在跟美國士兵或另一邊蘇聯士兵肖像拍照。圍牆在哪裡?其實我當時沒有看到,也無所謂,以為這就是柏林圍牆了吧……


Can’t remember when was my first time hear about “Berlin Wall”, probably in High school, or even in University…I knew that Germany was divided into West & East after WW2, and I also knew that The Wall fell down eventually….However, all these sentences were simply words on textbook, didn’t mean much for me… Only about 8,9 years ago, I had a chance to visit Berlin on my business trip, then, of coz I must go as a “real tourist” to the “Checkpoint Charlie. Here you can see one side was American soldier and the other side is Soviet Union one. ( yes, they do look very different! ) But, where exactly was the Wall? Who knows? I thought, alright, maybe this is it. ( how silly was I back to old days…)

pic from https://www.berlin-welcomecard.de/en/poi/checkpoint-charlie

直到了3年前第一次認真的帶孩子們到柏林,在學校前校長與夫人的陪伴下,我們坐著地鐵,聽著他們說當年的故事,走過現在已經被高樓大廈或辦公室所取代的曾經的那道牆的軌跡…… 走到了留下來的紀念牆,我才知道原來柏林圍牆長這樣!『柏林圍牆』終於從一個中性的名詞,換化成真實的物體在我面前。

也因為聽到了當年的一些故事 (校長跟他的堂哥之前無法見面) 這面牆多了很多的溫度…..

Until 3 years ago, it was my first time bringing kids to Germany. We were accompanied by our principle couple, listening to their family stories ( they were born in Berlin, and were part of this history ). We took the metro, walked along the street where you can see now only new ( but not charming at all ) buildings, the Wall was there but you can’t even find any clue out of it… until we reached the memorial stone, alas! that’s how the Wall looks like! So, “the Wall” became REAL for me, not was just a noun anymore….and with all the stories,

somehow, I felt it…



As “Germany” is always a popular topic country in my class, I’m wondering, what I can add more this time? So these kids can still understand and enjoy? What’s “interesting” parts about Berlin Wall? How I gonna teach, What and How? It’s always a brainstorm when I’m prep-ing my class. They all know about the WW2, they know that Germany-Japan-Italy were in one side, and the rests were opposite. ( but probably knew only Russian & USA ) I started from after Germany lost in WW2, it was “Partialized” ( probably not the correct word, in Chinese translation as “forced to be divided” ) by several countries. So before I introduced this part of history, I had to explain the meaning of the term “forced to be divided” first ^^

這堂課的孩子都知道曾經發生過『第二次世界大戰』、『德國-日本-義大利』跟其他的國家對抗。而這些“其他的國家” 包含『俄羅斯-美國』…..等等等。( 他們對同盟國的理解不是那麼多,因為截止目前上課為止多琢磨在誰是“壞人— 納粹” ) 於是我就從二戰戰敗後,德國被分成兩邊 – 東邊跟西邊。


Lara 老師,什麼是”瓜分”?

我發現我常常變成國文老師在解釋名詞 XD…

什麼是瓜分?好問題!我們現在在這個房間裡面,這個房間就好像是柏林。在這個房間裡切成一半,這一邊是被你們(幾個坐在一起的小朋友)拿走了,你們代表俄羅斯/蘇聯 (上課時沒有特意講蘇聯是因為….這樣會更混淆,於是用俄羅斯代替) 另一半被你們幾個人分走了!於是我就開始指著三群不同的人說:你們- 是英國!你們-是法國!你們-是美國!因為我指他們的時候鏗鏘有力,每個人忽然都有一種“使命感”知道自己佔領的地盤跟角色!於是乎….





Somehow in my mind, there’s always something missing, I learnt a lot of terms or stuffs, which I never really knew. For example, I knew “Berlin Wall” for years but it never occurred to me, how does it look like! And frankly speaking, that’s not the way it should be. So now as I’m a teacher ( well, part time ) I try to avoid such things, I want kids to REALLY KNOW/FEEL/THINK!Even though they’re still in their early years ( kids from 4,5 to 7,8y.o ) but they can process! I found a video from 1989, when the Berlin Wall were tore apart. Let’s “See” the history!

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

看影片的時候大家都是一言不發很認真的看….雖然不一定懂,但是我想這也是一個刺激。因為有小朋友開始發問:“站在牆上的是東德還是西德的阿兵哥?打戰結束了嗎?牆壁上面塗什麼?” 好奇心,


When I played the video, everyone was so focused. So i think, ok, maybe they can’t understand everything, but at least they saw it, they saw how the Wall look like and this image will be in their mind. When they’ll learn sth more in the future, they had a start point. They got interested in, CURIOSITY makes everything possible! That’s the most important part and we as adult should protect it! With the next picture. So I asked kids, what do you think of this small building? It could be from where? They answered: Japan, China , Asia….. Correct! it’s asian style! And it was sponsored by South Korea. Why? That’s another topic we can talk about 😉 becoz as Germany were divided into West/East Germany, Korea has similar situation. Yet south Korean hope that the border will be vanish peacefully someday…

接著我們又看這張照片。這是哪裡的建築物呢?孩子們都很快地回答:中國…日本…亞洲…(對地理跟代表建築很有概念了) 答案是:韓國。這是南韓政府出錢在這邊蓋的一個紀念亭?WHY ? 當我把這個問題丟出來的時候?又有一個新的東西可以聊了 ^^ 原來因為南韓政府希望有一日南北韓也能像東西德一樣破除隔閡,讓兩邊的家人可以團聚,所以設置了這樣一個紀念亭來期許。孩子們都知道金正恩是北韓的領導,於是這時候就很開心地大叫….喔~金小x 喔~…..



History is always the best story for everyone! With help of pictures, yes, we can teach kids about the world, they can process and handle it! But first, let’s be CURIOUS to everything first!

#兒童國際觀 #國際素養力 #說給兒童聽的國際觀 #柏林圍牆 #德國 #世界


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