兩年多前第一次到福隆看準備被野放的海龜們, 後來在海龜舅舅的安排下有機會揪團到海洋大學的海洋生物實驗室來知性認識海龜的一切。那次的活動,,對每位孩子都有深刻的影響! 即使時間已經過了這麼久, 幾乎有去的每位媽媽都會跟我分享說,,他們的孩子每次看到吸管都會說:
Our first experience to “meet the sea-turtles” was more than 2 years ago. Luckily I have a sea-turtles-keeper cousin, me and kids visited the place in Fulong, where most rescued ones prepare to be released back to ocean. Then we visited the Lab and learned many thing about sea-turtles. It was such a good experience & impact for kids, that till today whenever they saw a straw, they’d shout out load “Don’t use the straws! You’re doing bad thing to sea-turtles!!! ”

可惜的是, 後來海龜舅舅就去當兵了….. 於是這樣有意義的活動也暫停了兩年 😭(不過這一年多海龜舅舅也沒有閒著。 到花蓮的國小去當替代役的時候也給花蓮的小童們帶來很多海洋教育!)慶幸的是,解除了阿兵哥的身份後海龜舅舅開始援救鯨豚。去年也來幫我們的小朋友上了一堂有趣的『鯨豚大不同』的課程 (有興趣的人可以上 #鯨豚協會 的網頁了解喔~) 這一次,海龜舅舅又回到了老地方, 帶領我們認識受傷的海龜”海保一號” 。它至今都還是在觀察中,因爲神經有被破壞,身體傾斜的很嚴重…..😢獸醫也不確定醫治的機率有多大,但是整個實驗室的人都沒有放棄,希望“海保一號”要自己努力康復!
Unfortunately, afterward our “sea-turtle keeper” ( we call him “Uncle sea-turtle” ) went to serve the army. So such event was put into ground for 2 years… ( during his serving time, he taught many ocean knowledge to school kids, where he served in Hualien, which is also great! ) However, after he came back as a civilian ^^ he became to work in “Taiwan Cetacean Society”, which rescue whales mostly in north Taiwan. And there he continues to give lectures or event for kids, to know more about our friends in ocean. Today, Uncle Sea-turtle is back to the Lab ( in Taiwan Ocean University ) and introduced us “Hai Bao No.1” – the sea-turtle, which was rescued in Jan 2019, and yet still in process of medical treatment in Lab. “Hai Bao No.1” was founded brain damage, and due to the illness, he can’t keep the balance but linking seriously to one side. ( this makes him really difficult to swim or to eat )… though even the vet holds not much hope, but no one in the Lab gave up, everyone is doing the best and hoping “Hai Bao No.1” will be recovered soon…Let’s cross fingers for “Hai Bao No.1″…..

2018年一整年台灣沿岸的海龜擱淺數量創新高,高達200多隻。平均不到兩天就有一隻擱淺!今年(2019)截至4月底也已經破百了…. 造成擱淺的原因,除去大自然的因素( 海浪過大沖上岸、自然生病或是先天發展不良無法在海中生活…等等 ) 其實如此大量增加的原因,追根究底還是在人類!
Numbers of stranded sea-turtle in 2018 in Taiwan hit the historical height – more than 2xx… This year (2019) till the end of April, there’re already more than 100 stranded sea-turtles… if we exclude the natural reasons , such as too strong waves, physical disease on born ….etc ) the MAIN REASON which causes the massive stranded sea-turtle ( or say, ocean animals ) — HUMAN BEINGS!

大家都知道一次性的塑膠不好。重點!重點!其實不是塑膠這個材質的問題,而是使用的觀念。無論是什麼材質,用一次就丟的話就會造成環境嚴重污染,因為當垃圾無法被處理或是要花很多時間才能處理的時候,就會造成地球的負擔。反之,如果一個物品可以被多次與重複使用,即使是塑膠的材質,那其實就已經是開始做環保了!前陣子限塑政策下來後,市面上出現一大堆 “環保包包” 大家狂買新的….其實就是很不環保拉~
Yes, we all know that plastic is bad. But the point is not which kind of material, but if we can REUSE it!! Even it’s made in steel or iron or whichever, if we use it only once then dispose it, any material will cause environment problem! In contrast, even though it’s a plastic bag, as long as we can REUSE it, that’s be not a bad thing for our Earth! ( so no need to buy a whole new “eco-bag” just becoz it’s promoted as “eco”….look around in your house, I bet there’re many “eco-bags already! hahaha…. )

不過…這篇文章的重點不在於告訴大家塑膠好不好 (重複使用就對了!) 而是希望讓大家認識平常不知道的 — 海龜救援的基本認識
Well…this article isn’t aim to tell everyone that if Plastic is good or bad. ( REUSE ! REUSE! REUSE ! ) but to let you know about sth that we normally don’t know — Basic knowledge of Rescuing Sea-Turtles

Step 1. 如果你在海邊或是海上看到擱淺/不斷翻轉的海龜,請打118救援電話
反正看到覺得怪怪的,不要猶豫!先打電話再說!118 這是海洋救援電話,任何在海上發生的狀況 (包含人、船、海洋生物) 都可以打喔!
Step 1. If you see a stranded sea-turtle/ocean animals, don’t be hesitated, simply call 118 <– this is the emergency number for anything / anyone happened related to the sea.
Step 2. 拍照傳檔案
Step 2. Take the picture and send it to rescuer.

Step 3. 測量海龜大小,告知電話另一端的救援人員
救援人員需要知道海龜的大小以判斷要帶多大的水箱來裝。每個人對大小的分辨不同,也不太可能隨時身上都有測量的工具。因此可以用身上有的任何東西來測量。例如:3個7歲小孩的手掌大 or 2個24公分鞋長 ….等等。
Step. 3 Measure the size of wounded sea-turtle, inform the rescuer.
As they need to know what kind/size of rescue box to bring along. Of coz it’s rare that anyone would bring a ruler to the beach, so just try to measure with anything you have with you. Shoes, hand palm, arm…etc, remember to inform correctly, ie. the length is 3 palms of a 7 years old’s kid. So the person on the phone can have a imagination of the size.

Step 4 & 5. 告知救援地點,並就地等待救援者到達

救援海龜的工作是非常繁瑣跟辛苦的。這一次孩子們體驗到日常的準備工作:裁剪過濾棉 、搬運海水、分裝餵食….等等
Rescuing Sea-turtle is no easy job at all! Not only to carry the animals on the spot, but also daily routine works, such as : cutting the filter sponge for wounded sea-turtles, carry the water from sea, prepare the foods…etc

It’s a great thing that people all over the world are more aware of the environmental problem with time. And in Taiwan, we have more people concern about our Earth. Well, we can always ask more for such good deed thing, isn’t it? That’s the whole point of this event course. We hope that the understanding and Eco-conscience can be deeply implied to our young generations!