Lara’s multilingual picture book story

 ( English )

#2019寒假直播加映 #多語故事 #英文篇 】

Hi, my name is Lara.

Here comes the second story! However, I must warn you that this story is a bit heavy and may not be suitable for bedtime reading. 😅

While there are numerous storybooks available in English and many tales about the Chinese New Year, I want to share a different perspective with you through this story. If you’re familiar with the courageous Pakistani girl named “Malala,” this picture book revolves around a similar theme. It sheds light on the unimaginable exploitation and abuse of women under the Taliban regime, something that seems far removed from our own experiences growing up in Taiwan. However, just because we may not be aware of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. My hope is that through this picture book based on real events, we can broaden our understanding and bring attention to other corners of the world.

 Nasreen’s Secret School | Nasreen的秘密學校


#LARA的多語繪本世界 (英日俄德)

#LARA的多語繪本世界 #親子玩德文

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